Friday, March 30, 2012

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't post lately; I just got back from Michigan. My boyfriends grandma died so we had to go up there for a few days. For those of you who don't know, Michigan is the place were my boyfriend grew up and it's the place where we want to spend the rest of our lives together someday, so it was nice to get back up there for a little bit even though it wasn't under good terms.

I wish I would've remembered my camera so I could've captured the beauty of Michigan in the spring. Yeah I know. Me, a PHOTOGRAPHER, forgot to take my camera on vacation. URGHH! It was seriously gorgeous. I always knew since the first time Blaine took me up there, that it was where I belonged. Trees for miles, lakes, ponds, and rivers everywhere you turn, and not nearly as many fields as Iowa. Haha! For those of you who have never been, I would highly suggest visiting here! I've heard the Upper Peninsula even more beautiful! Blaine and  took a hike while we were out by the river and it was breath taking! I love it there so much! We're such an outdoor couple so it's perfect for us up here! Next time I go, I'll for sure take my camera. I promise! :)

Well I just wanted to check in with everyone. I better get back to work now since I'm a week behind now! Good thing Cristina has been kicking butt! :)

xoxo -Kelsie

Friday, March 16, 2012

It's offical! We launched!

Yaaaay! We offically announced our business today! O. Mae Photography is now open to the public. I am SO excited to start this new chapter in life with my best friend. I can't wait to put our creative minds together and see what we can come up with! We'll keep you posted on our next few days as a freash, new business.

Find us on Facebook-

-Kelsie <3

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Testing, Test.. 1, 2, 3!

Hey everyone! I'm Kelsie and I'm in business with my best friend Cristina! We've taken our passion for photography and turned it into a career. I love what I do and I couldn't pick a better person to start this adventure with! We both had our own businesses but I starting working as an assistant to Cristina. We eventually decided it would be a great idea for both of us to just go in together. And BAM! That's where O. Mae Photography came from! This is just a little piece of our life right now. There will be more to come! I just wanted to make sure everything was working! :)